Five Things Friday

It has been a full week, so apologies for getting this post out a little later than usual!

1.  On Saturday we took pictures of the Nelson Project, and we can't wait! We will have edited pictures sometime next week or the following to share with you! Here's a few pictures I took on my phone.

2. In the middle of taking pictures, Sarah and I decided to switch shoes.  Can you tell which shoes are Sarah's and which shoes are mine?

3. On Saturday, we also celebrated Aymee's Birthday!!! We treated her to some of Oregon's finest... Blue Star Donuts!

4. We hosted Easter at our house this year, which was a lot of fun.  We went to church, then hosted lunch and had an egg hunt.  I was lucky enough to get to use this arrangement by Stemm Floral from our photoshoot the day before at the Nelsons. Isn't she good? It was a great day!

5. Isn't this sunshine glorious?! Too bad next week it has rain everyday on the forecast... For now, let's soak up this sunshine!

Have a great weekend!