Five Things Friday

1. I just got a new computer (yay!), it was time!  I decided to splurge on a good laptop case this time (because, well, kids).  

2. We've been working on a lot of homes with kids recently, and so "family-friendly" is always on my brain when it comes to products.  Here are some of my favorite "family-friendly" rugs (you may even see some of these in upcoming designs)! (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

3. Speaking of "family-friendly", that's exactly what our new house has to be!  I've been looking at more and more designs with wood kitchen islands, and I LOVE them.  I'm thinking we might add one in our new house, but don't hold me to that, it's subject to change :)

4. My friends joke that every time they click on a clothing link, it's from Madewell.  What can I say? They have clothes that are stylish, timeless, and flattering (on ALL body types).  I'm not kidding when I say they have the most flattering clothes either (especially their jeans!).  This weekend everything is 15% off to insiders (all you have to do is sign up for their emails).  Here are a few things I've got my eye on (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

5. Life has been a bit chaotic, and I don't mean that in a glamorous way necessarily.  You know how our culture likes to use the words "chaotic" and "busy" as positive buzz words? I don't see them that way at all.  I've been trying to find more "balance" as our family adjusts to 3 little kids, moving in with my parents while we build, and jumping right back into work.  All of those things I mentioned are blessings (HUGE blessings), but sometimes all of those things together can be overwhelming.  I listened to two really encouraging podcasts last week about working moms, and holding that tension well.  I highly recommend them if you're a podcast fan (Jen Hatmaker and The Happy Hour).  Brad and I went on a double date with Jim and Aymee this week, and it was such a breathe of fresh air.  Hardly any work talk, and just lots of laughing.  Sometimes, you just need to have fun, and it's easy to forget that when you get in your day to day routine. If I can leave all you mommas out there with one word, it's this... GRACE.  Give yourself grace every single day, because you're doing great and no one is perfect.

 Enjoy your weekend!