Five Things Friday

1.Inspiration found this week:

2. Today I turn 30! Looking back on this past decade, so much has happened. I married my high school sweetheart, graduated from college, moved to a new state, bought a house (actually 4!), had 3 babies, was in full time college ministry for 4 years, started a business, moved back to Oregon, and created so many memories along the way. I feel so grateful for all the things in my life. The challenges, and the good times, there have been many of both in this past decade.

Thinking about my 30’s, I want these years ahead to be full of grace, compassion, laughter, and intentional health. My 20’s were chalk full of new adventures, and I want to be more rooted in my 30’s… No matter what I’m doing or how busy life seems. I think like most of you, I worry about my life mattering, and making a difference in this world for the better. I want to love all the people in my life well and with intention, because in the end, that’s all that really matters, right?

Tonight I’m celebrating with some good friends, can’t wait!

3. I honestly didn’t have anything on my birthday list this year, besides finishing our house ;) BUT, if I did have a wishlist, here are a few things that would be on it… maybe Christmas?

4. Warning… Aymee’s recipe this week is super addicting and very unhealthy :) Perfect timing for Halloween!

“We are almost empty nesters and the last kid has a license and a social life = we have some free time on our hands! With that, we like to have friends over to play games and come on, it’s all about the snacks. Here what we are serving, oh and the game of choice is Hearts.” -Ayms

“Crack Corn”

3 bags popped popcorn

Pecans (optional)

1/4 cup karo syrup

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup butter

Put the popped corn and nuts in a gigantic bowl. I take the time to pull out all the un-popped kernels (your dentist will thank you). On the stove combine syrup, sugar, and butter bring to boil. Boil 4 minutes stirring constantly (don’t let it burn!). Pour over corn and nuts, stir really well. Pour onto 2 large buttered rimmed cookie sheets, and bake at 200 for 1 hour. Serve warm? You might get voted in as president…people lose their minds. The smell and taste is to die for.

5. I shared this rug on instagram stories yesterday, and you all went bananas over it (partly because I got it for only $350, and it’s real wool). I thought I’d share a few of my other favorite Etsy finds.

Have a great weekend!