Five Things Friday - sidewalk sale, presentations, beach trips, and fall fashion

1. WHAT A WEEK. We had our sidewalk sale on Wednesday and had so much fun meeting so many new faces! Thanks to everyone who showed up and bought some goods! We also got our pictures back this week from our Wolverine Drive Project, and I CAN’T WAIT TO SHARE THEM WITH YOU! But, we have to wait for a while… In the meantime, here’s a picture of Ayms and I at the end of the install. So thankful for this lady! She’s the better half of the biz!

2. We had a big presentation the morning after our sidewalk sale for our Tennessee House on the Hill. It couldn’t have gone better, which makes me very happy! Especially coming from two very creative clients, who have an idea of what they want, to entrust me with the design of their home means SO much to me. It was a special presentation! Can’t wait to share more of the project later, but you’ll just have to hold onto these inspiration images for now.

3. I’m so ready for fall weather (is it okay to say that?). However, I do feel sour that there won’t be any fall football… It just doesn’t feel the same not spending our Friday nights under the lights and Saturdays cheering on our Beavs. But, here's a few fall favorites for when the weather turns a little crisper.

4. I’m reading this book, “Love or Work: Is It Possible to Change the World, Stay in Love, and Raise a Healthy Family?” It’s a gooooooood one! Highly recommend! The couple who wrote the book also has a great podcast I just started listening to.

5. Long post:

Personally, this was a big week for my family. Krew, my four year old, has a lot of life threatening food allergies. He carries an epi pen for a peanut / multiple tree nut / egg allergy. It’s something that as a mom I’m always thinking about. When he’s at preschool, is he safe? When he’s at the park, are other kids eating nuts? When we’re out of the house, does he have his epi pens? We’ve been anxiously waiting for him to turn four so he can go through the desensitization process with his allergist, and this past Tuesday, the process began! We spent a few hours at the allergist, and it will continue weekly (and daily at home) for the next few months. He will always carry an epi pen and have severe allergies, but going through this intense process will allow us and him to relax as he continues to grow. He won’t automatically have to use his epi pen or worry about not breathing if he accidentally gets a bite of something. Which honestly brings me to tears thinking about that.

Our family has never been on a plane together since Krew was an infant and we found out about all of these allergies. Next summer when we’re done with the treatments we are flying somewhere! I can’t wait!

A picture of me and Krew at the beach this past weekend. Love this boy so much!

Have a great weekend!