Weekly Archive XXIII


Project Check-Ins, Daily Makeup Roundup, IG Live and New Premium Project


Project Check-Ins

This was a busy week! We had a walk through at our Pronghorn Project and Cottage in the Woods Project. Here are some highlights from those two project check ins:

Some update photos from our Utah European Modern Project… It’s looking so good!

Daily Makeup roundup

Sharing some of my favorite daily makeup products, that I’ve stolen from multiple influencers because I have no personal sense for makeup!

Instagram Live

Aymee and I are doing a live this morning IG at 9am pst! We’re talking about how our business has grown, our process for out of state projects, and owning a business 50/50 with your friend! We will save it if you have to miss it live.

New Project Travel

On Sunday, Aymee, Brittney, and I leave for Cedar Rapids! We just signed a new premium client there, it’s a full home remodel. Here’s what’s in my bag…. It’s going to be freezing temps, so we’re prepping for that ;). We can’t wait to meet this family, they seem like incredible people!


Have a great weekend!