Five Things Friday
1. Inspiration found this week…
Via Katie Hodges
Via Amber Interiors
2. Have you watched the new health documentary on Netflix, “Game Changers”? Both Aymee and I recently watched it with our husbands and are wanting to go “partially” vegan (is that a thing? We’re not 100% sold out, but definitely incorporating more plant based meals with our families). Brad and I are going vegan this week, and so far, it hasn’t been too hard. I recently bought Kelly Leveque’s new book “Body Love Every Day” and she has an entire meal plan for a plant based diet that’s really good. A few other go-to cookbooks are Minimalist Baker’s Everyday Cooking, Oh She Glows, Love Real Food, and Cool Beans.
3. Trying this instant pot Cauliflower and Butternut Squash Thai Curry recipe this week!
Via Oh She Glows
4. I recently had a client make a comment on how I wear so many pants with holes in them (it was a joke, but nonetheless, it made me buy some jeans with no holes haha). These are my new favorite jeans with no holes, ha! The fit is great, and I love the length. Perfect for spring. A few more favorites… (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
5. Leaving you with this quote for the weekend…
Via WK Creatives
Have a great weekend!