Five Things Friday
1.How is everyone doing? This has been such a crazy time, hasn’t it? I’m trying to find more rest, physical restoration, connection with my family, and creativity (all these examples are coming from a recent read I finished “Rhythms of Renewal”). So many of us are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and burdened by this confusing time. The good news is, we are all in this together. This is a time we’ve been given to re establish what our life looks like. We are sitting in a moment of pause. I read this quote, and it’s really sticking with me… “The unexamined life is not worth living.” -Socrates. I don’t want this time to be full of panic, I want it to be a time where I can look to help others in need, spend time with my family, and get back into healthy rhythms. So much is unknown and confusing (How will this effect our business? How will this effect my kids? When will Brad be able to go back to work? How is this going to effect those closest to me? When will life be “normal” again?). There’s a lot to panic and stress about, but I’m choosing to live in the present and trust that we will get through this together.
VIA Pinterest
2. With being home, I’ve been able to do a lot more baking with my kids (which is one of my favorite things to do)! We made these Rice Krispies this week.
3. I love seeing everyone rally together and support one another! Everlane is doing some amazing things and donating 100% of their proceeds to Feed America with their 100% Human Line… Here are some of my favorite options, and I’m debating between the black or grey small print Terry sweatshirt (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).
5. I’m currently living in these slippers (on sale), joggers (also on sale), tees on rotation (1, 2, 3), and oversized cardigan… and probably will be for the next few months, ha!
Stay healthy and safe!