Five Things Friday - Oregon fires, inspiration, jumpsuits, Target, house with a view

1. Inspiration found this week on Pinterest. If you aren’t following us, we’re on there a lot.

2. I finally made my way to Target, and was pleasantly surprised to see some of Studio McGee’s Target Line out! So proud of their team for launching another great affordable line at Target! Here’s a picture of the lamp I picked up from the line, and a few of my favorite items coming out on the 13th of September.


3. All about jumpsuits for transitioning into fall… They are flattering on so many people! Love them!

4. I’m so excited about this project we’re working on! It’s going to be super minimal, and the views speak for themselves. Finishing up around Thanksgiving this year!


5. This week has been a hard one here in Oregon. We’ve had fires all week, very close to us, on all sides. There were crazy wind storms on Monday and Tuesday, which caused power lines to fall and create wildfires everywhere. We’ve had lots of friends and family evacuate their homes, friends have lost their homes, and no one is able to go outside due to the smoke and ash in the air. As if 2020 couldn’t get any crazier. Please pray for Oregon and keep us in your thoughts as we get through this.

View of the fires from my front porch this week.
