Our July Woman in Business is Chloe Mackintosh of Boxwood Avenue

Based in: Likely, California

Established: 2014

A few moments ago, you may have just double-tapped on a photo by lifestyle guru, Chloe Mackintosh of Boxwood Avenue and Boxwood Avenue Mercantile. We had the opportunity to chat with Chloe about her business journey, niche, goats, and how she went from an Etsy maker sewing pillows and selling ribbon to a multi-business owner and designer.

“Chloe and I have been friends on social for a while with a very organic back and forth connection from the start. We finally got the chance to connect at the Las Vegas Market a few years ago and had a blast. We’ve stayed in touch and were able to get together last year at Round Top. Aymee and I have had the privilege of sitting around many a dinner table with Chloe and other creatives in the industry - enjoying easy conversation that always turns into an amazing mastermind session. She is always so generous with her business knowledge and we have been able to share our perspectives too, enjoying a mutually encouraging relationship.

We really admire her as a friend and love supporting her in the many impressive business ventures she has.” - Molly and Aymee

Give us a little background into your business and journey to get here.

The long or the short version? Ha! In college I started an Etsy shop sewing pillows and selling ribbon, I was a little entrepreneur. The pillows became too much for me to keep up with, so I thought, “Why don’t I just teach people how to make these pillows so I don’t have to?” With that, I launched my blog. It began as mostly DIY and recipe-focused, and I struggled to gain traction. After about a year, I realized that I needed to hone in on my story and start sharing more of my lifestyle. As soon as I switched gears and started showcasing more of my daily life, I started to see growth! At that point, I ran with it and really focused on growing my social media and documenting daily life, which at the time involved the remodeling of my own home. This blossomed into so many amazing opportunities, including my first design client! I found that I really enjoyed client work and shifted gears from focusing on social media to developing our interiors business. Since then, we have also opened a brick & mortar shop, e-commerce, and continue to grow our interiors firm as well as our blog and social media.

When did you know you wanted to go all in and start your business?

Like I said, I’ve always been a bit of an entrepreneur. I started with my Etsy shop when I was just a teenager. The Etsy shop morphed into my blog, but deep down I always wanted a shop. However - for a shop to be successful - I knew I needed to focus on building a brand first so that’s what I aimed to do! I spent about four years really developing my personal style and figuring out what I really wanted to do. At that time I continued to maintain my blog, went for it, and opened up an online shop (selling the eclectic mixture of French antiques, ribbon, egg stamps, and horse prints). I actually hadn’t really considered client work until a friend encouraged me to explore the idea. She is a person whose opinion I value very much, so I listened to her suggestion and took on those first few clients. At first, I didn’t really consider the interiors work a business, it was really just something for fun, but I realized that I truly loved it and wanted to shape it into a more structured business. 

What has been your biggest challenge since starting your business?

The biggest challenge we’ve faced is of my own accord as a struggling perfectionist. I think that, generally, imperfection is much more interesting - be it in someone’s story or aesthetically in design. So, I work hard at waking up every day and choosing an intentional mindset rather than operating out of perfectionism. This really helps me get creative and step out of my comfort zone to try new things in design projects. Within our projects, we really focus on adding weird stuff. We strive for imperfection, as I feel this creates a more interesting and well-rounded finished product.

“Much like Light & Dwell, we rely heavily on antiques and the beauty of the story of a piece while mixing in hand-crafted elements to provide balance.”


Looking back on your career so far, what has been your biggest achievement?

When I began this business, I knew I wanted a shop, but deep down I am not sure if I truly believed in myself or had the courage to bring it to life. A lot of growing a business is mindset! Our Operations Director, Lori, is the person who continues to help push the business forward. I am so proud that with her help we have been able to open our shop, grow the design firm, and maintain our blog - with even bigger dreams on the horizon! Achieving the ability to comfortably hire people who are passionate about the same things we are passionate about is very fulfilling for both of us. 

How would you describe the “Boxwood Avenue” aesthetic? 

Overall, we pride ourselves on creating innovative and timeless interiors to help our clients live an intentional and purposeful life rooted in timeless traditions. Much like Light & Dwell, we rely heavily on antiques and the beauty of the story of a piece while mixing in hand-crafted elements to balance out the design. We started off very farmhouse due to my personal location, but as I’ve developed the aesthetic we’re known for, we have shifted into a much more traditional style with modern touches. Surprisingly, we also have quite a few very contemporary mid-century projects in the works, so that has been really fun to strengthen those muscles!

I love your approach to slow living. What's one piece of advice you'd have for someone wanting to implement more of this in their day-to-day?

Boxwood is all about seeking out the luxury in simplicity (which we feel so passionately about we had it trademarked, ha!). With that said, we strive to share ways that anyone and everyone can live a more intentional day-to-day life. This all stems from the French way of life - leisurely afternoons, long lunches, working to live rather than the other way around. I believe we can all take a moment in our day to go for a short walk, take a deep breath, and appreciate the beauty around us!

Who is someone you admire in the creative space, and why?

Oh man, the list is endless! A few women overseas come to mind - Mimi Thorisson, Jamie Beck, and Paula Sutton from Hill House Vintage. I love their distinct unwavering (European) style! I also really admire Heidi Caillier’s ability to mix patterns and colors, she’s exceptional!

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

A lot of our inspiration comes from the old way of doing things. We really love anything that is handcrafted or has a unique story behind it. Traveling is of course one of the best ways to discover inspiring spaces. On a recent trip I took heaps of photos of different tile layouts, even one of a crosswalk in Italy made of marble cobbles!

What’s on the horizon for Boxwood Avenue?

We are very excited to continue to curate our online shop as well as grow the brick & mortar. We recently launched a membership program called The Mercantile Membership, this allows people to enjoy heaps of things like 10% off everyday purchases at the shop, invitations to member-only events, and a 30-minute virtual design consultation!

We love your shop! What piece(s)/or item(s) are you most excited about right now?

I am partial to our custom furniture, all handcrafted in LA. We love working with small businesses to share their beautiful work. I especially love being able to offer this furniture to Mercantile customers which would normally only be available to design clients. I also love the art we have curated within the shop. We work with individual artists as well as curate a mixture of vintage prints to offer a wide range of styles. I think our art is extra special, as it is all custom framed by a local shop who we’ve worked with to hand select the prettiest frames, mats, and mounting styles. 


Chloe’s Everyday Essentials

Rapid Fire

Coffee or go to beverage order? Cappuccinos like they make them in Europe!

Person who makes you laugh harder than anyone? My best friend, Tara!

Go to podcast? A Well Designed Business and of course Brene Brown.

Top song on streaming app? Atlas by The Dip

Last book you read? The Untethered Soul

If you could only have 3 items for the rest of your life, what would they be? Peace of mind, sense of self, and my family.

Role Model? Oprah

Favorite Clothing Store? Farfetch or Net-A-Porter

Biggest Fear? Being Stagnant

Do you have kids? Nope! Just my goats. ;)

Guilty Pleasure? House hunting without any intention of buying.

What reality show would you thrive on? Hotel Impossible

Enneagram number?