Weekly Archive XXXIV

Rejuvenation Partnership Announcement, Utah Reveal Recap, Summer Wish List, Scallop Antique Hutch, and Iowa Earthy Remodel Inspiration

This past week, my dream antique scallop hutch arrived! Head over to our instagram to see how I step by step styled the shelves. Is there anything dreamier than these scallops on antique pine?? I think not.

We’ve got some exciting news with our friends over at Rejuvenation! Did you catch the partnership announcement this week?! We’re working with our friends at Rejuvenation in collaboration on our #cottageinthewoodsproject (Aymee’s big remodel)! We’re really selective on who we choose to work with, they have to check all the boxes, and Rejuvenation is one of those brands that does just that.

A few weeks ago, a few of us from the team went up to the Rejuvenation showroom and factory to see product in person and learn how their in house products are produced. It was an incredible experience, and we will continue to source them in future projects. The factory tour was definitely the highlight. We were able to hear some of the stories of the employees working at the factory, creating these products. They don’t use any drawings, they know everything by heart, which is incredible. Rejuvenation has been employing refugees since the 1970’s, and every country represented had a flag up in the offices. Pretty incredible! A few iPhone pictures from our tour.

Some of the items in our #cottageinthewoodsproject from Rejuvenation…

Did you catch our Utah Reveals? This last week we revealed Part IV and Part V. Which reveal has been your favorite??

Photography: Amy Bartlam

Summer is right around the corner! Here are a few things I’ve got my eyes on for those warmer days…

Some inspiration for our Iowa Earthy Remodel Project! We just finished up the redline and review phase where we redline the plans and create project mood boards, next up, hard finish designs!

Have a great weekend!